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Custom Website Design and Development Services

Selecting the platform to build your website on is often a difficult decision for most businesses.  This decision is often more difficult because of the number of choices available.  Often, the choice doesn't simply come down to technology but more importantly, selecting the best website based on the actual business needs of a company.

A custom-designed and developed website is often the right choice for businesses who (a) have a complex requirement that may need bespoke and 'new' programming; (b) may require a more scalable and robust website that has the flexibility to grow with the needs of the business and (c) may have complex integrations of 3rd party tools and platforms to incorporate into the new website.

Custom Designed and Developed Websites: An Overview

An Overview of Custom Designed and Developed website with Digital Nexa, London
  • Each website is designed from scratch based on the specific requirements of your business.
  • The website has virtually no limitations from a technology, scalability and feature perspective.
  • Upon completion your business will own the IP created including source code.
  • Estimated time requirements for design and development:  8 - 12 weeks.
  • Prices start at: US$ 10,000 plus domain and hosting (if required).

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Business Growth in 2019

Creating a Business Strategy that directly impacts growth

Growing a business today is harder than it's ever been. Today's consumers are highly empowered and have access to more information than ever before.

While this presents a challenge to businesses, it's hugely important to understand why a company needs to re-think their growth strategy and shift their attention to the customer.

If your business is growth focused in 2019, learn how you can align all your teams to achieve your KPIs and real growth which is impacted by customer satisfaction.

Now in it's Third Edition, this free, annual e-book not only highlights the needs of today’s customer but also helps businesses understand what the biggest drivers of business growth will be in 2019. 

Over 10,000 copies of last year's e-book were downloaded.  To download your copy, please click on the link below.

Download E-Guide


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